How to Join/Apply

Membership in Ocala Community Credit Union is limited to those who are members of the immediate family related by blood or marriage, as well as domestic partners of person within such group and those living, working, or attending school in Marion County, Florida.

  1. Deposit $5.00 into a Share Savings account (one share) which will remain on deposit as long as you are a member.
  2. Pay a $3.00 membership fee.
  3. Show us two forms of ID (one must be a photo ID).

Click Here, then scroll down to See our Business Accounts

Customer Identification Requirements

In accordance with Section 326 of the USA Patriot Act, applicants for new accounts are requested to provide current picture identification that verifies identity including name, address, and other identifying information.

In some cases, identification will be requested for current account holders if original documentation was not obtained with the opening of the account. In all cases, protection of our members’ identity and confidentiality is our pledge to you.

A member is the PRIMARY Member on the account. The PRIMARY Member, at least 18years of age, is entitled to 1 vote at Annual Meetings when elections are held regardless of how many accounts they may have here at OCCU. (Joint Signers on an account are NOT Members and are NOT entitled to Member Benefits.)
