Investment Rates

APR = Annual Percentage Rate And APY = Annual Percentage Yield

Savings Accounts

Type of Account Term Dividend Rate (A.P.R.) A.P.Y.
Savings Account None 0.35% 0.35%
Christmas Club None 0.35% 0.35%
HSA None 0.10% 0.10%
IRA Savings None 4.00% 4.08%


Checking Accounts

Account Required Balance Dividend Rate (A.P.R.) A.P.Y.
Economy Free
Pension Plus Checking
$0 0.00% 0.00%
Premium Checking
Tier 1 $0–$2,499 0.00% 0.00%
Tier 2 $2500–$9,999 0.02% 0.02%
Tier 3 $10,000–$24,999 0.10% 0.10%
Tier 4 $25,000 or more 0.10% 0.10%

This is an interest bearing account with dividends that accrue daily and pay monthly on the last day of each month. There is no monthly service charge if a daily minimum balance of $1000 is maintained; otherwise the monthly fee is $15.00.

Money Market Accounts

$100.00-$2,499.00 = 0.10%

$2,500.00-$9,999.99 = 0.20%

$10,000.00-$24,999.99 = 0.30%

$25,000.00-$49,999.99 = 0.40%

$50,000.00 or above = 0.50%

The rate is established monthly, on the 1st of each month. unlimited personal withdrawals, and a limit of six (6) telephone or Internet transfers per month, minimum transfer $500. No more than (3) transfers may be made by check. There is no monthly service charge if a daily minimum balance of $2,500 is maintained; otherwise the monthly fee is $15.00.

Certificate of Deposits & IRA Certificate of Deposits



Certificate of Deposits (CDs) Term Dividend Rate (A.P.R.) A.P.Y.
Minimum $500 90 Days 2.86% 2.90%
Minimum $5,000 90 Days 2.86% 2.90%
Minimum $50,000 90 Days 2.86% 2.90%
Minimum $100,000 90 Days 2.86% 2.90%
Minimum $500 6 Months 3.925% 4.00%
Minimum $5,000 6 Months 3.925% 4.00%
Minimum $50,000 6 Months 3.925% 4.00%
Minimum $100,000 6 Months 3.925% 4.00%
Minimum $500 12 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.97% 4.05%
Minimum $5,000 12 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.97% 4.05%
Minimum $50,000 12 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.97% 4.05%
Minimum $100,000 12 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.97% 4.05%
Minimum $500 24 Months (Includes IRA CD) 2.72% 2.76%
Minimum $5,000 24 Months (Includes IRA CD) 2.72% 2.76%
Minimum $50,000 24 months (Includes IRA CD) 2.72% 2.76%
Minimum $100,000 24 months (Includes IRA CD) 2.72% 2.76%
Minimum $500 36 Months (Includes IRA CD) 2.96% 3.00%
Minimum $5,000 36 Months (Includes IRA CD) 2.96% 3.00%
Minimum $50,000 36 Months (Includes IRA CD) 2.96% 3.00%
Minimum $100,000 36 Months (Includes IRA CD) 2.96% 3.00%
Minimum $500 48 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.10% 3.15%
Minimum $5,000 48 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.10% 3.15%
Minimum $50,000 48 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.10% 3.15%
Minimum $100,000 48 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.10% 3.15%
Minimum $500 60 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.00% 3.05%
Minimum $5,000 60 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.00% 3.05%
Minimum $50,000 60 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.00% 3.05%
Minimum $100,000 60 Months (Includes IRA CD) 3.00% 3.05%

CDs accrue daily and are paid quarterly.
NOTE: Certificates will be subject to a substantial penalty for early withdrawal.


Members are able to use OcalaCCU App to purchase their own CD’s and pick their rates & terms from the options there. Your branch is in the palm of your hand – no need to drive in, nor call in. Just use OcalaCCU App for all your financial needs.


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