

Seibold Security Logo
In December 2023, OCCU had its Security Equipment Serviced at our Main Office. (Thanks, Seibold Security for the fast and efficient service during these Holidays.) Last service update was in August, 2023 below…


Secureworks Security Advisory – Critical Apache Struts 2 vulnerability (CVE-2023-50164) in active exploitation

In December 2023, OCCU confirmed with its Core & Network Services Provider, CU*SOUTH, that we do NOT use Apache Struts 2, thus we are not affected by this new vulnerability. In addition, OCCU confirmed with its Debit Card & ATM Service Provider, SHAZAM, that they do NOT use Apache Struts. Again, OCCU is safe & sound since 1953.

Hills Shred Express Logo
In December 2023, OCCU converted our Shred Services to Hills Shred Express for more accurate billing, more reasonable cost, more local support, and more reliable service. (Click on above logo to visit their website.)

12-10-2023 CU*Base Release 23.12
In December 2023, OCCU’s Core Database, CU*BASE – Gold Edition, was updated to this latest release. CU*SOUTH & CU*ANSWERS provide these releases to all their clients often to keep up with new features and security.

In December 2023, OCCU worked with its vendor, Virtual Strongbox, and have turned on a new feature for our members’ benefit. Members can now use Ocala Community Credit Union Website, It’sMe247 Online Banking, or OcalaCCU App to send documents to OCCU. (Note: Android Users using OcalaCCU App – This function is visible, however not yet working due to technical difficulties, thus use other two options for now.)



In December 2023, OCCU wants to ensure you that we do NOT use ONGOING OPERATIONS and that this Vulnerability does NOT affect us as it did to 60 other credit unions. OCCU verified with it’s core CU*SOUTH that none of their clients are affected by this Ransomware Hack. Again, OCCU is safe & sound since 1953.

MasterCard credit card
In November 2023, OCCU began offering three levels of Credit Cards. We added 16.00% for those that do not qualify for our Gold, and Classic Credit Cards. This new “Basic” Credit Card will expand opportunities for our members. (For more information, click on above photo.)

ASG Getting Results
In November 2023, OCCU’s Loan Department wrapped up training on offering ASG Results Mechanical Breakdown Protection/Vehicle Service Protection and GAP Coverage on Loan Products we offer. These new products will enhance services to our members with multiple choices/options. Our members will notice a HUGE difference when taking out a Collateral Loan. (ASG is new to Florida and Ocala Community Credit Union is their 2nd Credit Union to sign up with them.)

CU SOUTH LogoTelKnight-Logo-1-300x89
In November 2023, OCCU upgraded its end-of-life 2012 Dell Server to a brand new 2023 Dell Server, our end-of-life 2012 Dell Switches to brand new 2023 Dell Switches, added many new cables, and had our VOIP reconfigured to work with all new equipment. (This was in our past and current Strategic Plans for many years as had to be scheduled and budgeted for.)

Critical Vulnerability in VMware vCenter & Cloud Foundation vCenter Server contains an out-of-bounds write vulnerability (CVE-2023-34048) in the implementation of the DCERPC protocol. A malicious actor with network access to vCenter Server may trigger an out-of-bounds write potentially leading to remote code execution.

In October 2023, OCCU verified with its Core Processor/IT Network that we are NOT using vCenter on our current server. Note: New Server coming November 2023 will have VCenter, however the patch to protect this server will already be in place when installed. Again, OCCU is safe & sound since 1953.

Absolute Financial Equipment logo
ATM Updated to Windows1010-05-2021 Marion Oaks Smart ATM2
In October 2023, OCCU and Absolute Financial Services, Inc, did security updates on our Smart ATM’s at both our offices. (These are updates to the updates done in September 2022 as found here in previous year.)  Again, OCCU is safe & sound since 1953.

Secureworks Security Advisory – Cisco IOS XE vulnerability (CVE-2023-20198) in active exploitation

In October 2023, Ocala Community Credit Union verified with its vendors that we are not affected by this new vulnerability that may be affecting other financial institutions. Again, OCCU is safe & sound since 1953.

OcalaCCU's App - Apple App StoreOcalaCCU's App - Google Play StoreIt'sMe247 Logo
In October 2023, Ocala Community Credit Union enhanced a feature in both its OcalaCCU App and It’sMe247 Online Banking so our members’ can have more options when Buying a Certificate using these tools. Members will now have their dividends go back into the Certificate of Deposit. In addition, members can choose to have their CDs auto renew, or transfer into the sub account of their choice. Apple v6.0.10, Android v6.2
App History…
* August 2023 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v ?, & Android v ? (Updated RDC Deposit Options, Again)
* July 2023 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v6.0.07, & Android v4.8.3 (Performance and stability improvements)
* June 2023 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v?, & Android v? (Added Virtual Strongbox)
* July 2022 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v?, & Android v? (Added Early ACH Posting Option, and converted from normal RDC to RDC-IQ for faster Mobile Check Deposit)
* May 2022 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v5.9.173, & Android v4.5.2 (Added Merchant Services, Debit/Credit Card Payment Option, & Enhanced Debit Card Feature)
* November 2021 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v5.9.167, & Android v4.3.5 (Added Cancel Check Payments)
* October 2020 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v5.9.119 & Android v4.1 (Updated RDC Deposit Options)
* August 2020 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations version 3.7.6 (Upgraded with Biometrics)
* February 2020 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations version 3.7.3 (Upgraded for New Look & Features)
* July 2019 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations v3.6.10 (Upgraded for Service Improvements)
* July 2018 = OCCU/eDOC Innovations v3.0.2 (Upgraded to New and Improved Vendor-includes RDC)
* October 2017 = OCCU/Malauzai v7.0 (Upgraded for Service Improvements)
* December 2013 = OCCU/Malauzai beta 3.0 (Upgraded to New and Improved Vendor-includes RDC)
* December 2012 = Vantiv’s Jeannie App. (First App Introduced to OCCU Members-includes RDC)

10-08-2023 CU*Base 23.10 Release Updates
In October 2023, CU*South is pushing out updates to CU*Base with 23.10 Release. These updates will provide the staff of Ocala Community Credit Union with many new features behind the scenes. Effective Sunday 10-08-2023. Note: OCCU will be closed for Columbus Day Monday 10-09-2023 so we will experience these new updates on Tuesday, 10-10-2023.

NCUA Cyber Security Alert - ATMs
In September 2023, OCCU verified with its ATM vendors that we are not affected by this Cyber Security Alert on ATMs. First, we do NOT have any NCR products, Second, we do NOT use QSI or any of their software/services, Third, we regularly keep our ATM software updated for security purposes. Again, OCCU is safe & sound since 1953.

09-25-2023 New 75 TV in Board Rm
In September 2023, OCCU replaced the Visio 70″ TV that was recently struck by lightning with a new Phillips 75″ Google TV. This new TV was a Rollback at Walmart saving our credit union money. This Visio 70″ TV lasted us just over 3yrs as can been seen below in February 2020. (Thank you, Liz & Kody, for installing this while I was out on vacation.)

09-2023 Dell Latitude 3450 P170G
In September 2023, OCCU replaced two old computers at our Marion Oaks Branch with these brand-new Dell Latitude 3450 P170G Laptops. Thank you, CU*SOUTH, for assisting with this purchase & configuration. Also, thank you, Corporate America, for assisting with setting up/configuring Branch Capture on one of these new laptops. Great Teamwork By All!

09-07-2023 New Replacement Water Cooler in Marion Oaks
In September 2023, OCCU replaced the leaking water cooler in our Marion Oaks Branch with a brand new one at no cost to Ocala Community Credit Union. Thanks, Crystal Springs! (Click on above photo to rent your own water cooler – Yes, both Hot & Cold in same unit to please all your employees.)

OCCU LogoEwarts & Associates LLC

Dear Form 990 Online User:
We are writing to you to notify you of an incident involving unauthorized access of information in our Form 990 Online system. Although we are not aware of any actual misuse of your information, we are providing notice to all of our customers about the incident so that you can take steps to protect yourself from any potential adverse actions from this unauthorized access. We have notified the IRS of this incident and they aware of what happened and they are in agreement with the steps we have taken to protect the information in the system.
What happened?
We detected that intruders had gained unauthorized access to our system. We took immediate steps to get them out of the system and block them from coming back in. At the same time we engaged a cybersecurity company to help us determine how they got in (so we can prevent it from happening again), how to permanently block them, and what information they were able to access while they were in the system. The investigation uncovered that they likely were able to retrieve all the data from the user table in our database. They also had access to other tables in our database, but, at this point, we do not have any definitive indication that they took any of that data.

In August 2023, OCCU Confirmed with its Auditors (Ewart & Associates, LLC) who file our Annual 990 Taxes, none of our information was compromised that’s not already available on our NCUA Call Reports. (The above paragraphs are from a government 3rd Party Vendor.) Again, OCCU is safe & sound since 1953.

08-29-2023 Radio Announcement of Storm Closure08-29-2023 Closing for Storm - Updated Cone08-28-2023 Closing for Storm08-28-2023 Storms
08-28-2023 Tropical Storm IDEALIA
In August 2023, OCCU had the above banners on the front page of our website, on drive-thru monitors, on social media, and in CU*Publisher/It’sMe247 Online Banking keeping our members informed of on-coming storm and our hours of operations. In addition, we had notices on our front doors, in our lobbies, and a radio announcement.

Seibold Security Logo
Drive-Thru Lane#2 Cracked & Camera BrokeDrive-Thru Lane#2 - Repaired
In August 2023, OCCU had Seibold come out and replace broken screen and camera. (Thanks Siebold for repairing this so fast.)

OCCU LogoCastleGarde Logo
In August 2023, OCCU updated its Windows/Outlook Password(s) from 10 digits to 14 digits to enhance our security and meet CastleGarde Auditor recommendations. Again, OCCU is safe & sound since 1953.

OcalaCCU's App - Google Play StoreOcalaCCU's App - Apple App Store
In August 2023, OCCU turned on a new feature within RDC “Mobile Check Deposit” where our members can now choose to deposit their checks into either Share (Savings) or Share Draft (Checking) accounts. Prior to this they could only deposit into their Share Draft (Checking) accounts. We’re giving members more choices.

App History…
* July 2023 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v6.0.07, & Android v4.8.3 (Performance and stability improvements)
* June 2023 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v?, & Android v? (Added Virtual Strongbox)
* July 2022 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v?, & Android v? (Added Early ACH Posting Option, and converted from normal RDC to RDC-IQ for faster Mobile Check Deposit)
* May 2022 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v5.9.173, & Android v4.5.2 (Added Merchant Services, Debit/Credit Card Payment Option, & Enhanced Debit Card Feature)
* November 2021 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v5.9.167, & Android v4.3.5 (Added Cancel Check Payments)
* October 2020 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v5.9.119 & Android v4.1 (Updated RDC Deposit Options)
* August 2020 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations version 3.7.6 (Upgraded with Biometrics)
* February 2020 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations version 3.7.3 (Upgraded for New Look & Features)
* July 2019 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations v3.6.10 (Upgraded for Service Improvements)
* July 2018 = OCCU/eDOC Innovations v3.0.2 (Upgraded to New and Improved Vendor-includes RDC)
* October 2017 = OCCU/Malauzai v7.0 (Upgraded for Service Improvements)
* December 2013 = OCCU/Malauzai beta 3.0 (Upgraded to New and Improved Vendor-includes RDC)
* December 2012 = Vantiv’s Jeannie App. (First App Introduced to OCCU Members-includes RDC)

08-10-2023 SHAZAM 3D Secure -ADD Feature
In August 2023, OCCU’s vendor, SHAZAM, added a new security feature to online purchases using OCCU’s Debit Cards. We had the above banner on the front page of our website informing our members.

Express Employment Professionals
In July 2023, OCCU began using Express Employment Services for hiring our entry level positions/full time tellers. (Click on above image/logo to view their website.)

07-27-2023 Modular-Lockers
In July 2023, OCCU worked with Seibold Security Of Florida Inc to replace/add new lockers inside our vault. Thank you, Seibold Security, for your professional service on this project. In addition, we’ve added additional cash drawer lockers.

07-20-2023 Cox Modem ARRIS Touchstone CM8200
In July 2023, COX sent OCCU this new ARRIS Touchstone CM8200 modem for our backup ISP. This replaced the end-of-life CISCO DPC3010 modem. (This was replaced at no cost to Ocala Community Credit Union.)

07-19-2023 Add Sub Accounts within It'sMe247
In July 2023, OCCU had the above banner on the front page of our website to inform our members of a new feature we turned on in It’sMe247 online banking.

OcalaCCU's App - Apple App StoreOcalaCCU's App - Google Play Store
In July 2023, OCCU went LIVE on updated Mobile App in Apple v6.0.07, & Android v4.8.3 App Stores.
Performance and stability improvements.
App History…
* June 2023 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v?, & Android v? (Added Virtual Strongbox)
* July 2022 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v?, & Android v? (Added Early ACH Posting Option, and converted from normal RDC to RDC-IQ for faster Mobile Check Deposit)
* May 2022 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v5.9.173, & Android v4.5.2 (Added Merchant Services, Debit/Credit Card Payment Option, & Enhanced Debit Card Feature)
* November 2021 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v5.9.167, & Android v4.3.5 (Added Cancel Check Payments)
* October 2020 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations Apple v5.9.119 & Android v4.1 (Updated RDC Deposit Options)
* August 2020 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations version 3.7.6 (Upgraded with Biometrics)
* February 2020 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations version 3.7.3 (Upgraded for New Look & Features)
* July 2019 = OCCU/eDoc Innovations v3.6.10 (Upgraded for Service Improvements)
* July 2018 = OCCU/eDOC Innovations v3.0.2 (Upgraded to New and Improved Vendor-includes RDC)
* October 2017 = OCCU/Malauzai v7.0 (Upgraded for Service Improvements)
* December 2013 = OCCU/Malauzai beta 3.0 (Upgraded to New and Improved Vendor-includes RDC)
* December 2012 = Vantiv’s Jeannie App. (First App Introduced to OCCU Members-includes RDC)


On July 18, 2023, Citrix disclosed multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2023-3519, CVE-2023-3466, CVE-2023-3467) that impact NetScaler ADC (formerly Citrix ADC) and NetScaler Gateway (formerly Citrix Gateway). Only customer-managed platforms are affected.

In July 2023, OCCU verified with its vendors that we are not affected by these new vulnerabilities. Again, OCCU is safe & sound since 1953.

07-11-2023 ALERT - Login
In July 2023, OCCU had the above banner on our website to inform our members of the new security changes with failed login attempts.

In June 2023, SHAZAM sent OCCU these new Cisco Meraki (Z3) routers for our Smart ATMs. These replaced the end-of-life Cisco 860 series (K9) routers. (These were replaced at no cost to Ocala Community Credit Union.)

06-14-2023 MoveIt! - Vulnerability
In June 2023, OCCU had the above banner on the front page of our website re-assuring our members we are safe from the vulnerability.

06-11-2023 New OCCU Sign @ Sunset05-2021 Main Office LED Sign before cleaning & paintingNew Sign Out Front
In June 2023, OCCU replaced its old LED Sign with new Made in America sign as old LED Sign continued to be struck by lightning which cost over $12k to fix each time. (Above: New Sign @ Sunset, L-R: Old LED Sign, New American Made Sign by Outdoor Images)

05-26-2023 Virtual Strongbox - now in OcalaCCU App
In June 2023, OCCU had the above banner on its website informed our members of this new service within the OcalaCCU App. This is the same service we began offering online in It’sMe247 back in June 2022, just adding to App a year later for the convivence of our members.

Beard Irrigation Services
In May 2023, OCCU relied on Beard Irrigation Services to repair two drip lines that water our bushes out in front of the parking spaces. Beard Irrigation Services did honest repair work for us in January 2022 as listed. (Click on their above logo to visit their website.)

05-18-2023 Main Office New Refrigerator
In May 2023, OCCU replaced its Main Office refrigerator with this new Whirlpool model that has great reviews. Employees were making do with a refrigerator that had a freezer section not working for past few years after many repairs. (Old Refrigerator, not shown, is from when we opened this new location in 2012.)

03-16-2023 Notice To Members - Banner
In May 2023, OCCU removed the above banner from our front page of our website as it was there since 03-16-2023 thru 05-08-2023, giving our business account members plenty of advance notice. In addition, this was noted on their March e-statements, in April e-blast, and on lobby monitor same period as above.

NCC - LogoCU South New Logo - 2023
In April 2023, OCCU worked with its Core Processor (CU*South) and our new vendor, National Credit Center (NCC) to integrate pulling Credit Reports. We began this project back in January for two purposes; 1) Convert from Equifax to NCC to save money, and 2) to convert from FICO v9 to FICO v10, however FICO v10 will not work with our Core’s vendor, Sync1, at this time.

03-14-2023 OCCU is Safe & Sound
In March 2023, OCCU had the above banner on the front of our website keeping our members and potential members informed of our Safe & Soundness during the current Banking Crisis. In addition, we had the following Radio Announcement on local 104.7 Classic Hits for our community re-assurance.

03-15-2023 Forta GoAnywhere Zero-Day
In March 2023, OCCU had the above banner posted on the front page of our website ensuring our members we are safe from this Cyber Security Threat. (Update From our core, CU*South: 03-23-2023: CU*BASE Alert: GoAnywhere Administrative Portal Vendor Vulnerability Update by Cody Smith On February 2nd, 2023, GoAnywhere disclosed a vulnerability to their administrative portal that allows the creation of new user accounts via code injection. CU*Answers uses GoAnywhere – however, our deployment doesn’t allow public access to this portal. Additionally, Network Services applied vendor recommended mitigations shortly after the vulnerability was disclosed. We are evaluating vendor patch performance and will update this alert as events warrant.)

New Backflow w/new PipesNew Backflow Cover
In March 2023, OCCU replaced its backflow pipes through Johnson Brother’s Plumbing and our backflow valves through American Fire & Sprinklers. With this new protective cover, it will last for decades now.

In February 2023, OCCU redesigned/updated its brochures to be more in line with our current offers/services. We continued our adoption of “Whiskers” the manatee, so we added it to our brochures.
OCCU Brochure – Outside
OCCU Brochure – Inside

eDOC Innovations Logo
February 2023 Release Is Here!
Our newest versions of eDOCSignature, our new iDOCVault, and much more will be released on February 21, 2023.

In February 2023, OCCU ended our decades-long relationship with our cleaning company for various reasons. This is also a cost-saving move as employees are now cleaning the offices.

02-17-2023 Removed - Return Item Fee
In February 2023, OCCU’s Board agreed to remove this “Return Item Fee” for individuals/consumers. The above banner was placed on the front of our website and in addition, an e-Blast was sent out to members keeping them informed.

In February 2023, OCCU corrected it’s Social Media Icons to make them uniform on our front page of our website, while at the same time keeping them large enough for our senior members to view. Thank you, Alex, w/CU*South in assisting with this. (Access our Social Media w/the icons on our home page, not here.)

02-04-2023 New Shower Head - WaterPik - For Employees
In February 2023, OCCU’s President/CEO finally installed the new Showerhead he purchased after last hurricane. This new WaterPik PowerPulse Therapeutic Strength Massage (Up to 2x Massage Force) w/6 different spray options allows us to clean the entire shower down whereas the old showerhead was fixed and didn’t spray all walls while cleaning.

In January 2023, Ocala Community Credit Union adopted the credit loss accounting standard (model) Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) that was issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) on June 16, 2016. This European Model, CECL, replaces the current Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses (ALLL) accounting standard (model) used in the United States for decades. We began running the CECL model alongside the ALLL model in 2022 to prepare for converting over in January 2023. Adopting the CECL model required us to fund the Allowance for Loan Loss account over $142k in January 2023. (This is in addition to Credit Unions having to fund the NCUA Insurance Fund.)

e-OSCAR 4.0 Sandbox
In January 2023, e-OSCAR was upgraded to “stage e-OSCAR 4.0 Sandbox”, which is much user friendly for Ocala Community Credit Union staff. e-OSCAR is where OCCU responds to credit report disputes.

In January 2023, OCCU worked with its ATM/Debit Card Vendor to increase both the ATM Daily Withdrawal Limit from $500.00 to $1,000.00 and increase Point of Sale (POS) Limit from $1,100.00 to $2,500.00 for the convenience of our members. Ocala Community Credit Union continues to improve and increase services while maintaining a Safe & Sound Financial Institution for our membership. (This is an additional update to the update we did back in April 2021 as listed below.) It’s OCCU wherever you go!

CU South New Logo - 2023
In January 2023, OCCU’s Core Provider updated transaction history for our members and employees as listed here…
As of January 17th, we have implemented an enhancement to the display of transaction history in It’s Me 247 online banking. Transaction history in online banking will now display the last 4 digits of a card number and the Merchant Category Code (MCC) Group. This enhancement applies to ATM/debit card activity.

CorporateAmerica CUeDOC Innovations Logo
In January 2023, Ocala Community Credit Union worked with our Corporate America and eDOC INNOVATIONS to convert our Mobile Check Deposit (Behind the Scenes) over from CorporateOne since all our other services are with CorporateAmerica. Members were notified of this change in advance on the top notification bar of our website.

OCCU Updates Archives:

2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012