December 2018
In December, OCCU Member Sophia filled out her Letter to Santa and is seen here mailing it at Ocala Community Credit Union.
In December, OCCU Employee Yani and her son were shopping and ran into Sterling Sheppard from the NY Giants. Yani’s young lad talks “TRASH” with NFL player.
In December, 2018, OCCU Staff have received a lot of food from either its vendors or members. Above is a Christmas Cake delivered to the Marion Oaks Branch in appreciation of the great service they are providing their members. OCCU would like to wish all our members… Happy Holidays!
In December, 2018 OCCU sponsored member, Mr. Diehl, participated in the BoxStock 400″ Trophy Race where he came in 3rd place at the Marion County Speedway. As seen in this video, Mr. Diehl was in 1st place during his heat for position. Note: Two competitors did not participate in this heat, yet did show up for the Trophy Race where they came in 1st & 2nd places.
In December, 2018 OCCU Main Office celebrated Shelbi’s birthday with a Coconut Cake.
December 4, 2018 is National Cookie Day and we welcome all members to come into either location and enjoy cookies on us. If you are not a member, you are welcome to come in and open an account as we have staff on standby to assist you.
In December, 2018, OCCU’s Teller/Member Service Representatives set up/decorated the annual Christmas Tree in our office lobbies. (Left Photo: Shelbi @ Main Office, and Right Photo: Yani & Mayra @ Marion Oaks Branch)
November 2018
In November, 2018, OCCU sponsors Vanguard High School’s Class of 2019 Yearbook. (Look for our 1/2 page advertisement.)
In November, 2018, OCCU sponsored the UF Gator Basketball Schedule and provided these free posters in our lobbies for our members.
In November, OCCU was a sponsoring vendor at the City of Ocala’s Annual Health Fair for it’s employees. OCCU’s new Head Teller, Cathy, was attending our table to answer questions and give out promotional material.
October 2018
In October, some of the OCCU Staff dressed up for Halloween. (L-R: Joey, Janet, Shelbi, & Liz)
In October, OCCU celebrated our new head teller’s birthday, Cathy, with a cake from Publix. (L-R: Diane, Joey, Cathy, & Shelbi)
In October, Member April w/boyfriend Bond dressed up for Halloween Contest of which they did not win, but had fun competing. Scooby Do took first place.
In October, OCCU members brought in donations to help the victims of Hurricane Michael. Donations were brought to the Blountstown community where they are in need of these supplies. Thanks to all who donated!
In October, Firehouse Subs donated Fire Hats for our children’s area here at our Main Office. This is appropriate since most of the City & County Fire Departments utilize OCCU for their financial needs.
In October, OCCU attended the “Best of the Best” award ceremony hosted by Ocala Star Banner. (L-R: OCCU Board Secretary/Treasurer Mel Poole, Miss Florida Taylor Tyson, & OCCU President/CEO Steven Nazaruk.)
In October, OCCU wished farewell to Kiah, our main office Head Teller, as she continues her credit union career at a larger credit union out of town.
In October, OCCU remained opened during Hurricane Michael to support its members and community.
September 2018
In September, staff wishes Vicky, Yani, & Cindy best of luck as they are all moving to the new Marion Oaks Branch beginning Monday, October 1, 2018.
In September, member Kodiak “Kody” Olsen graduated from RASMUSSEN COLLEGE – OCALA CAMPUS, with his Information Technology Bachelor’s degree. Congratulations Kody!
In September & October, 2018, OCCU Members enjoyed the above benefits from our friends in Perry, FL.
Click here for more information…
Marion Oaks Branch Announcement
August 2018
In August, OCCU welcomes Advent Health to Ocala, FL. Advent Health took over Monroe Regional Medical Center.
In August, member Christofer Pearson graduated from his technical school and is proudly representing the community of Ocala in the U.S. Army.
In August, OCCU sponsored First Tee Greater Ocala which helps the young people in our community learn the game of golf. (Click on the above image to learn more.)
July 2018
In July, LaRue’s Ice Cream Parlor accepted a case of OCCU’s Coffee Cups to begin using when they offer coffee to their customers in near future.
In July, OCCU sponsored Local Boy Scout Troop 172 Spaghetti Dinner coming up in September.
In July, President/CEO Steven, and Loan Officer Diane attended the City of Ocala’s Park Dedication in memory of Scotty Andrews. Scotty was once our Supervisory Committee Chair here at OCCU.
June 2018
In June, OCCU members enjoyed 10% off at TAG HAIR STUDIO.
On June 28, 2018, OCCU Member, Francis Hunter, officially retired from Ocala PD after 50yrs of service.
On June 19, 2018, President/CEO Steven Nazaruk visited our SummerGlen Golf Course 2016-2021 Sponsored Hole.
On June 18, 2018, OCCU’s President/CEO, Steven Nazaruk, ran into member and former OCCU Board Member, Ed Raulerson, at the FL-CFO’s event held in Wildwood, FL.
On June 8, 2018, OCCU was proud to host the Ocala Fire Department Fire Fighters & Paramedics for National Safety Month.
May 2018
OCCU is proud to sponsor Primera Igliesia Bautista de Marion Oaks Volley Ball Team.
April 2018
OCCU is proud to sponsored Right Way Little League’s Spring Season.
OCCU Staff are proud to show support for #ForestStrong in wearing our Green Shirts Today!
OCCU is proud to announce members, Alyson, & Nick, have been accepted into Florida State University (FSU) – Go Noles!
OCCU is proud to Sponsor the NAIFA Annual Insurance Professionals Conference Breakfast. (Folks arrived, ate, and went to their respected conference rooms throughout the morning, thus photo doesn’t show the 70 folks that turned out this year for this event.)
OCCU Board of Directors were escorted by President/CEO while attending the CU*South Visionary Conference in Orange Beach, Alabama. This was educational for all and the Board met their annual BSA/AML Training for 2018.
March 2018
OCCU had a wonderful Annual Membership Meeting with a large turn out and many prizes given away thanks to our various donors and cash prizes compliments of OCCU. In addition, OCCU had a pinning ceremony for four (4) of its employees for completing Five Years of Service to your credit union. (Rosa, Steven, Vicky, & Janet) OCCU is proud to accept the SEYF Swine Event Silver Sponsor Plaque from SEYF Ambassadors.
OCCU is proud to sponsor the Ocala Falcons US Amateur Basketball. (Click on above image to see Ocala Falcons webpage.)
OCCU is proud to sponsor the Forrest High School Girls Tennis Team. (L-R: Tanner, Lexie, & taking photo is Coach Lori)
February 2018
OCCU continues to be a proud “Silver Sponsor” of the SEYF Swine Events. Above photo are the award winners with President/CEO Steven Nazaruk in far left of this photo.
Congratulations to Mr. Gilmore for being OCCU’s 1st Quarter Winner in the SHAZAM “Get Techy With It” Debit Card Rewards Program. Gilmore won a SHAZAM $50.00 Gift Card for being an active user of his OCCU EMV Debit Card.
OCCU is proud to have these fine area restaurants utilizing our new 2018 cups. Please visit these restaurants to show your support. (L-R: Scrambles Café, Eggs Over Baseline, & Jan’s River Park Café)
OCCU is proud to sponsor the North Marion High School Colts Fast Pitch Softball team this year. Best of Luck!
OCCU sponsors Relay for Life 2018 through our member Valerie. Please click on the above image to join us in showing support for Valerie & the Relay for Life – American Cancer Society!
OCCU members enjoyed 10% off on regular priced items at Mary’s Bridal & Formal during the month of February, 2018.
January 2018
OCCU is appreciated for it’s support to ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL of Ocala, FL as they will use our donation to: “This year along with scholarships and school grants, we are providing free little libraries for the Boys and Girls Club and for the veterans at the Ritz. This will help provide books for these locations.” – Valerie Forster Click on above logo/image for more information!
OCCU members are enjoying Sprint Discounts & Specials today (01-19-2018) in our lobby. Sprint is giving away FREE Phones & Tablets to OCCU Members who sign up for Sprint Services. Shown (L-R): Member Carol Colbert, Supervisory Committee Chair Kevin Deviling, & Sprint Representative Angel.
OCCU members are enjoying 10% off the entire month of January for Breakfast or Lunch @ Eggs Over Baseline Restaurant.
Back in November, 2017, OCCU sponsored Belleview Middle Schools’ S.T.E.M. – Robotics Program and they won some competitions and wanted to thank us with displaying the above banners.
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